Sunday, November 9, 2008

Trip to California - Part 2

Day 11 (Monday). We went to Fairfield. Our first stop was the Jelly Belly factory tour. It was fun - but we made the mistake of buying three large bags of "Belly Flops" which nearly broke our backs later. Next we tried to go to the Budweiser tour but it was closed on Mondays. Finally we tried to go to the Travis Airplane Museum and it was also closed on Mondays.

Day 12 (Tuesday). We drove north up highway 101 so Denny could see the "drive through Redwood". It was a long and interesting drive - beautiful scenery. On the way back we took the Pacific Coast highway (#1) right along the ocean. It was also incredible. It was a long, fun day.

Day 13 (Wednesday). This was the day we planned to return home - but there were no flights headed east. So we went to the Budweiser tour - it was fun.

Day 14 (Thursday). There was a flight to Andrews in the evening, so we checked out of the Inn at 11 AM and drove over to Sacramento to see Old Town. It was really great! We ended up in a military museum - stopped in a few shops - had oysters in a restaurant on the water - and then drove back to Travis. We stopped in the airplane museum there for an hour or so - and then it was time for our flight.

We were in another C17 - no stops to the east coast! It was nearly midnight east coast time when we left - so the loadmaster put two huge bags of blankets and pillows on the floor and said anyone who wanted to could lie down and sleep on the way. I laid down - Denny did not - but I did not sleep. It was a really comfy trip, though - and we got there in four and one half hours - incredibly fast.

Day 15 (Friday). This was definitely the worst day! It was 4:30 AM when we got to Andrews and we were exhausted. Billeting was full and there was no transportation in the middle of the night. They had a flight to Beaufort at 7:45 AM. So we decided to try for that. We finally found out about 9:00 AM that we would not be able to get on that. I met a couple who were cancelling their billeting for Friday night - so I called and got their "spot". We went outside and waited about 45 minutes for a shuttle - and it took another 45 minutes to get to billeting - so it was around 11:00 when we arrived. I went in and begged to get into our room early and they were not very helpful. So we sank onto their sofas and tried to stay awake. Finally around 12:30 I noticed a change in personnel, so I went back and let them know that we were waiting for a room. The lady said we could get a room - but it would be smaller than the one we were supposed to have - and I told her that absolutely did not matter. She handed me a key and a map and I went outside to check out the map - and it was a long, long ways to our room - way farther than we could go with heavy suitcases. So I went back in and she was a bit nasty to me - and finally a nice lady colonel came in and agreed to drive us to the room.

Denny slept until the next morning! I got a cab and we got back over to the terminal - and caught a C130 to Savannah. It was a little bumpier ride than the others - but was good to be going close to Charleston. When we got to Savannah, another couple on the plane shared a cab ride to the airport with us. The cab drive was a LOT scarier than any of the airplane rides!!! We rented a car and got back to Charleston just as it was getting dark - picked up our car at the terminal - returned the rental to the airport - and were finally back in our home state!


1) The people were SO nice and friendly and helpful! Someone told me at a terminal that at airports, it is considered rude to talk to the other passengers, but at terminals, it is considered rude NOT to talk to the other passengers. We met great people everywhere we went. And that includes the civilians in California. The people of California may not know what grits is, but they have a good handle on what we call "southern hospitality".

2) Next trip, we pack LIGHT!!!

Although I used it a ton, next time I do not lug along my 5.5 pound laptop. There are public computers everywhere. I am looking for a wireless pda for email, Priceline, etc. for future trips.

Denny is convinced to use a suitcase with wheels next time (since even the soldiers were doing it).

We definitely do not need more than a few changes of clothes - there are great free laundry facilities in billeting.

3) Ground tranportation was a huge problem that I did not anticipate. I did not realize some bases did not allow taxis and did not have shuttles. With flights arriving in the middle of the night it becomes an even bigger problem. If you have difficulty walking long distances, you have big problems with transportation on bases.

4) Flying on military airplanes was so much fun! I am a bit afraid of flying on commercial airplanes - but the military planes felt so much safer and sturdier. And even though we did not have padded seats most of the time, it was more comfortable. Having lots of leg room and being able to get up and walk around (or lie down) made a huge difference.

5) Having a GPS was wonderful! It was like having a great little friend to guide us everywhere we went.

6) I loved being on air bases. You feel so safe! The rooms in billeting were beautiful.

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