Friday, August 28, 2009

Windows 7 - Wow!

I've been playing with a beta of Windows 7 for a while, but today I installed the first version that was sent out to manufacturers. Wow! I am SO impressed!

I installed it on my several years old Lenovo desktop with 2 GB RAM. I wish I had looked at a clock - but I'm guessing it took less than 30 minutes - maybe more like 15? It found every driver. I installed a lab printer (by IP address) and it searched and found what kind of printer it was and installed the driver without any assistance!

Software also went on very quickly and easily. We have a software installer that is finicky. I tried using it for MS Office 2007 - which seems like it takes around 30 minutes on most computers - but again I wish I had watched a clock - I think it was more like 5 minutes. I've never seen those green bars race by so fast! McAfee and Novell both worked too.

I spent maybe an hour (and was working on my other computer the whole time) and it was nearly done!

Another interesting thing... It made a windows.old folder and all of my data was there. I just had to drag it from the Users folder in there to my new Documents folder. (I did back up to an external hard drive before beginning the process and definitely would not do it without that cushion.)

If it continues to go this well - it's going on my primary computer soon!!

Wireless at Clemson

Wondering about the new Clemson wireless network, Tigernet? Here are a few things I've learned about getting it to work this summer:

1) If you have Vista, it might just pop up automatically. You might get a bubble asking for "more information" twice. The first time, put in your CU user name and password. The second time you'll just have to click OK. Then if you're new or have not been on wireless in a year, you'll have to open a browser and complete the CU network registration before you can browse. If this happens you are LUCKY!

2) If you have a Mac, go to click on the Software Installer. At the bottom of the page is a link to the Mac Software Installer page. In the middle of that page is a Wireless Installer. That works great for most Macs!

3) If you have Windows XP, you'll need some settings that you can find at (these settings work for Vista and Macs too...).

4) If these things do not work for you, there is a special Tigernet Installer tool available on This is really helpful! If you download and run it, it will ask for your CU user name and password and then do all of the configuring for you!

5) Here is one possible problem if none of these work for you: the password is CASE SENSITIVE! Most other CU applications don't care about case in your password. So if you cannot get on, try going to and go to the password reset page and change your password (using all lower case). This fixes the problem in a very high percentage of the cases.

6) Some older wireless cards do not support WPA! So if your card does not have that option, you might have to buy a new wireless card if you want to connect to Tigernet. Most newer cards will work. Linksys and Cisco are two brands you see a lot. If your laptop has a PCMCIA slot (like a "credit card" size), you can buy that kind and slide it in. If it does not have one of those, you can get a USB wireless card.

7) Some antivirus programs cannot be used with the Tigernet Installer. It wants you to have the Clemson McAfee and up to date Windows. So make sure you finish your Windows updates. Then if you have another antivirus program, go to Control Panel, Programs, and remove the other one. You can get the Clemson McAfee on

8) One other thing to keep in mind. Only a limited number of people can be on wireless in one location at one time. So if you're in a room with 50 people, some may not be able to be on wireless. This explains why it works in one room and not in another.

9) I heard today there is some issue with using Peer to Peer networking "guardian" and Tigernet. It's best to avoid Limewire, etc. anyway!!!

If NONE of this works for you, you'll need to go to the Support Center.