Friday, August 28, 2009

Windows 7 - Wow!

I've been playing with a beta of Windows 7 for a while, but today I installed the first version that was sent out to manufacturers. Wow! I am SO impressed!

I installed it on my several years old Lenovo desktop with 2 GB RAM. I wish I had looked at a clock - but I'm guessing it took less than 30 minutes - maybe more like 15? It found every driver. I installed a lab printer (by IP address) and it searched and found what kind of printer it was and installed the driver without any assistance!

Software also went on very quickly and easily. We have a software installer that is finicky. I tried using it for MS Office 2007 - which seems like it takes around 30 minutes on most computers - but again I wish I had watched a clock - I think it was more like 5 minutes. I've never seen those green bars race by so fast! McAfee and Novell both worked too.

I spent maybe an hour (and was working on my other computer the whole time) and it was nearly done!

Another interesting thing... It made a windows.old folder and all of my data was there. I just had to drag it from the Users folder in there to my new Documents folder. (I did back up to an external hard drive before beginning the process and definitely would not do it without that cushion.)

If it continues to go this well - it's going on my primary computer soon!!

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